Why did you get into recruitment?

I stumbled upon recruitment after graduating from college. I had just completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and was completely lost on where to go next. I met with a careers advisor and told her what was important to me in a career, I said I wanted something financially rewarding, with clear paths for progression and something very goal-orientated. She pointed me towards Recruitment.


Is being a Recruitment Consultant a hard job?

Yes and no is the short answer. I’ll give you a long answer to. The role of a recruitment consultant is fun but very challenging. It has varying tasks so you need to develop a broad range of skills, like sales, marketing, writing, interviewing and negotiation skills. It is great for people who what to continually learn and develop their skills. One of the big challenges is around delayed satisfaction. The work you are doing as a recruitment consultant is generally for 2 months ahead. It is really challenging to find the top talent so you need to be building a network. This takes time to yield results.


What do you enjoy most about the role and recruiting for Frontend Development (JavaScript)?

The autonomy. I am the first person here with Archer to recruit solely in the field of Frontend Development and I am very proud to have built my desk. I am encouraged to make decisions that will benefit my own desk and also given the support to do so. I have control over how I invest my time and interests, which I love. I have really enjoyed building my network, and reputation as a Specialist Frontend Recruiter in Dublin.


What is your favourite quote that you live by?

“Le courage ne rugit pas toujours. Parfois, le courage est cette petite voix intérieure qui nous dit: j’essaierai encore demain” – Courage does not always roar, often courage is the small calm voice at the end of the day saying I will try again tomorrow.


What tips would you give to someone considering a career in a recruitment agency?

When you are beginning a career as a recruitment consultant consider 2 things. Am I going to get training and can I see myself working here in the medium term? It is really easy to get another job as a recruitment consultant however changing recruitment companies is really hard; you will lose clients and candidates.

Also, in the interview, ask a lot of questions and try to see if you think your personality is right for a career in recruitment.


What has been your most memorable moment with Archer Recruitment so far?

Qualifying for the 2018 Ski trip to Italy was a major highlight for me. It was a great way to mark a very hard, but fulfilling year. Also, all of our quarterly outings and team activities.


If you would like to explore more information about becoming a recruitment consulting please see here:
